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1977-1981      French College in Fquih Ben Salah, Morocco

1982-1986      Mathematics-Physics high school no.3 Bucharest

1987-1992      Technical Military Academy Bucharest – Aircraft Engineer

1995              Owner of the Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française, issued by the French Education Ministry

1997              AutoCAD R13 training – 2D &3D Design

1997-1998      Post-universitary training at the Military Technical Academy

1999              Microsoft Certifications:

–         MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) in Windows NT4 and Windows 2000;

–         MCP+I (Microsoft Certified Professional+Internet);

–         MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)

2011              Owner of a trainer diploma

2013              CCNA



Perfect knowledge of english and french;

– Good knowledge of Italian.


– Very good knowledge of Windows 95-2008, both for servers and workstations;

– Long experience in Microsoft and TCP/IP networks creation, implemention and operation;

– Long experience in Linux servers routing;

– Long experience in securing  IP networks (firewall, NAT, anti-intrusion systems, web and mail servers antispam);

– Long experience in Microsoft Office;

– Medium experience with  AUTO CAD R13, R14 and R2000 ;

– Long experience in programming: Pascal, Borland DELPHI, OOP (DOS and Windows 95-2003) ;

– Long experience in programming with Visual basic, VB script, ASP, Microsoft SQL Server;

– Long experience in PC hardware and assembling ;

– Medium experience with Zilog Z80 and Atmel AVR assembly languages;

– Long experience in design and manufacture of electronic boards (design OrCad, Protel, Eagle), with both home and/or industrial processes.


2004-present               CEO – Sanos Consulting International srl Bucharest

I cumulated CTO and CRD in this company.

My responsibilities are:

A) administratives, characteristic to any company organized as Limited;

B) technical, research and development:

a) implementation of the following network services:

– DNS;


– BGP;

– NTP;


– MySQL;

– HTB;

– cacti (SNMP);

– to configure Layer 2 and Layer 3 services on Cisco switches and Red Hat Linux-based routers;

b) to create and operate an online billing and quality control software (PHP+HTML);

c) to conceive and implement the whole FTTx and UTP/FTP network at client level;

d) to co-ordinate both technical and cashiers teams on the field;

e) company marketing ;

Between 2007-2011 I was appointed as member of the Board and also VicePresident of the Interlan Association.

2002– 2004             Programmer and Office Manager– Kiwee Comunicatii srl Bucharest

My responsibilities were the following :

A) As lead software programmer:

– server and client application development using  ASP, SQL Server, HTML, Javascript ;

B)      As Office Manager:

– Aquisitions;

– to organize and operate all IT materiel;

– to organise the administration of the company ;

– to organise work, to contract and protocol;

– human resources: to hire, fire personnel, to negotiate employees salaries;

– to train employees:

2001 – 2002 IT Engineer – Maulde Technologies SA, Paris

– Delphi/SQL programmer for a content management framework;

– to program in-house program encryption and licence protection software;

– Network engineer  ;

2000 – 2001            IT Engineer– F.M. Design srl Bucharest

– Delphi/SQL programmer for a content management framework;

– Network administrator/architect, network security audits;

– Marketing and commercial for in-house and “Maulde Technologies ” products.

1998 – 2000 IT Engineer – Freelancer

– IT contracts with several romanian and foreign companies (Bucharest Czech Center, Alcatel, etc.) : computer repaires, network installations, websites.

– to realise presentation CDs for companies and privates;

– Contract with EXPERT 2000 srl to enhance the software it provided to its clients.

1995, 2001 (2 months)  Specialized technical interpreter Alstom SA Bucharest

– to translate contracts and technical litterature from french to english;

– CTO interpreter during negotiations;

1994 – 1998            Delphi programmer- Expert 2000 SRL Bucharest

– to program technical Delphi software (superior mathematical algorythms), to model urban heating networks (already implemented in 12 major Romanian cities), to create Web help pages, installation software, data encryption and software protection modules;

– Project manager for the above projects;

1994 – 1997            IT Engineer– DKS Exim SRL Bucharest

– Computer assembly, program and OS installations, network, client relations.

– CTO until the company was sold.

1992 -1998             Military Engineer – Romanian Air Forces

I had several commissions, from the Air Base up to the Romanian Air Forces HQ:

1. Chief upgrades shop for MiG-23 and MiG-29 military aircraft;

2. Acquisition officer;

3. IT engineer;

4.  Technical and official interpreter up to ministry level;


– Travels, I own a “A” and “B” category driving license;

– Martial arts, movies, music ;

– Litterature and art: