Category Archives: Uncategorized

Coq au vin à l’Africaine – recipe

  Chicken breast or chicken legs – 5-6 pieces 2 lemons 100g of olives 2 onions 1 tsp of ras-el hanout 1/2 tsp of cinnamon 2 tsp of curcuma 1/2 of hot pepper (habanero, moruga, diavolini) 1/2 litre of white wine 1 tsp of himalayan salt   Cut the onions in 4, the lemons in […]

Intel Hex to binary and viceversa Windows converter for AVR developers + Hex editor

So, I was working on some of my projects involving Atmel AVR development and, as the code got bigger and bigger, it didn’t fit into the flash anymore. I needed a tool to show me the binary size of the HEX files the IDE was generating, but to no avail. Converters on the Internet were […]

Motorcycle trip Bucharest-Hunedoara and back

I rode on the red trail on my leave and then on the blue trail on my way back home. The two blue lines show the moment the recording stops, on the way back. Almost 4 hours of raw footage. Long, I know, but also a way to show some of Romania’s beautiful landscapes, as […]

SKU142210 big display clock modified with temperature, automatic dimming and semi-automatic software drift compensation

0. Foreword Please, do not post elsewhere the code found here. – The code should reside in one place and people should use links to my site instead. I have a hard time browsing the Internet for pieces of code sometimes, and finding old or obsolete code instead of links to the original developer is […]

Timer for horticulture

Timer for horticulture I love growing plants. Besides loving plants, I see this as a challenge to do…more. Like growing coconut trees from seed, peppers. Usually I start planting them during winter, so the plant will be already grown during its first summertime. Growing oriental and tropical plants during harsh winters in Romania is quite […]

Bec cu LED-uri LOHUIS

Recent am achizitionat pentru casa niste becuri cu 60 de LED-uri, marca LOHUIS. Din 7 becuri, 4 s-au ars in prima zi iar doua becuri au rezistat cca 1 saptamana. Un singur bec mai functiona dupa prima saptamana. Din acest motiv, m-am enervat si am purces la investigarea cauzei – si, eventual repararea becurilor.   […]

Adrese IP, routere, Wifi pe intelesul tuturor

Din experienta pe care am acumulat-o la Join Telecom in lucrul cu clientii, combinata cu studiile si literatura de specialitate, reiese faptul ca utilizatorii de Internet nu numai ca nu isi pun intrebarile corecte ci si obtin raspunsuri incorecte, in majoritatea cazurilor prin manipulari publicitare care initial le iau ochii, apoi banii, ca urmare a […]