Category Archives: Electronica

U5 Motorcycle LED Headlight Waterproof High Power Spot Light Review

So I buy a pair of these U5 Motorcycle LED Headlight Waterproof High Power Spot Light from the Internet, to mount it on my motorbike.     Nice finish, light…hmmm…bright but not VERY, so i decide to take a look at the specs, again. Input Voltage:12V-80V DC Actual power: 10W Light Power: 15W Flux: 3000LM […]

SKU142210 big display clock modified with temperature, automatic dimming and semi-automatic software drift compensation

0. Foreword Please, do not post elsewhere the code found here. – The code should reside in one place and people should use links to my site instead. I have a hard time browsing the Internet for pieces of code sometimes, and finding old or obsolete code instead of links to the original developer is […]

EC1204B Led Rotating Clock: Schematic, upgrade, firmware

EC1204B Led Rotating Clock: Schematic, upgrade, firmware 0. Foreword Please, do not post elsewhere the code found here. – the code isn’t ready yet:           – I wish to develop more with several DS1621 sensors on a cable, in order to collect more than one temperature; – The code should reside in one place and […]

Electronic components datasheets- miscellaneous

2n3055ne irf840 2n3442 irfz44v 3414A irl3103d1s 8212-74412 k2608 8212 ka7500 pwm controller for switching supply 8255 kingbright sa10-21hwa 82s(1)23 LT1073 ADS931E Modulator TNF0170U722 ads931 pc817 Afisaj 128×128 DMF5008N rtk8309sb bcm5388 ge 8-port switch rtl8208 BF199 smd transistor L6 BTA16-600CW TEA2025 – amplif audio stereo 3v cep6031L tl494 pm control circuit DB3 diac tlc5940 DEM128064A_FGH-PW transformerless […]