Oct 102011

Here you can find and download issues of TEHNIUM magazines and almanacs (click right and SAVE AS). If you wish to consult them online, all pages will open in a new window or tab according to the browser you are using.

All files are available only in Romanian, as they are not translated.


All the files were taken at hand in january 2010 in order to:

– diminish file sizes (some magazines went up to 80MB);

– allow for text search (all pages were OCR-ised).

I hope you will find more quickly some articles and schematics.

Tehnium International collection was published separately to avoid interferences and confusions.

The download speed limit was limited to ~3Mbps because the demand is higher and higher. Please be patient with downloads, finally you will download everything you need.

This collection is always prone to modifications, consisting in error elimination (huge number of files, tiredness, etc), new issues, modifications of existing files with other of a better quality, etc. This is the reason why the last page update is listed below.

Last page update: 04.09.2011

Should you wish to contribute to the effort of bringing Tehnium magazine collection online, as well as for other magazine that will follow, you can donate:



01 – 1997
02 – 1997
03 – 1997
04 – 1997
05 – 1997
06 – 1997
07-08 – 1997
09 – 1997
10 – 1997 – INCOMPLET
11 – 1997
12 – 1997

1997 Tehnium International:

01 International – 1997
02-03 International – 1997
04 International – 1997
05-06 International – 1997
07-09 International – 1997

  6 Responses to “Colectia revistei Tehnium anul 1997”

  1. Cand apare si restul colectiei? O astept cu deosebit interes.

    • Toata colectia, minus cateva numere pe care nu le-am gasit, este pe blog. Utilizeaza campul de cautare pentru a ajunge pe posturile cu revistele din anii cautati.

  2. Spuneti care sunt acele cateva numere pe care nu le-ati gasit. Poate eu sau alti oameni care mai viziteaza blogul va pot ajuta cu acele numere lipsa.

  3. Va rog, puteti sa-mi lasati aici o adresa de email. Vreau sa va explic pe email ca din numerele de mai sus, nu toate va lipsesc, unele pur si simplu nu au aparut, plus ca va lipsesc vreo 4 numere pe 1994 pe care dvoastra nu le mentionati ca ar lipsi.Vreau sa va trimit pe email si niste atasamente cu scanari din reviste in care se specifica ca de fapt unele din numerele de mai sus nu au aparut, plus sa va arat unde arata ca lipsesc si cele 4 numere pe 1994. Cu stima.

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