Sep 282011

When I was 16, I have stumbled upon Tuesday Lobsang Rampa’s books, which I have read almost without breathing, avid of the information within and stunned by the science-fiction air.

The opening of the third eye, the astral travels, seemed to me quite unusual at the time and also extremely attractive, since I had already experienced a series of, let’s say, telepathic links, with people dear to me and most close to my heart, links that overwhelmed from a coincidence point of view the sphere of happy coincidences: the stronger the bond, the more frequent the coincidences of thoughts, intentions and/or actions.

I have found these 19 books on website, in a hope to reread them. I am sharing them too, hoping that reading them will open your eyes as they opened mine.


1.The Third Eye (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
2.Doctor from Lhasa (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
3.The Rampa Story (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
4.The Cave of the Ancients (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
5.Living with the Lama (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
6.You Forever (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
7.Wisdom of the Ancients (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
8.The Saffron Robe (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
9.Chapters of Life (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
10.Beyond the Tenth (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
11.Feeding the Flame (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
12.The Hermit (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
13.The Thirteenth Candle (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
14.Candlelight (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
15.Twilight (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
16.As it Was (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
17.I Believe (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
18.Three Lives (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)
19.Tibetan Sage (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / ZIPPED HTML PAGES)


1.Le Troisieme Oeil (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / PAGES HTML ZIP)
2.Lama Medecin (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / PAGES HTML ZIP)
3.Histoire de Rampa (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / PAGES HTML ZIP)
4.La Caverne des Anciens (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / PAGES HTML ZIP)
5.Vivre avec le Lama (format PDF / WORD )
6.Les Secrets de L_Aura (format PDF / WORD )
6.Vous pour Toujours (format PDF / WORD)
7.Le Dictionnaire de Rampa (format PDF / WORD)
8.La Robe de Sagesse (format PDF / WORD)
9.Les Univers Secrets (format PDF / WORD)
10.Les Cles du Nirvana (format PDF / WORD)
11.Pour Entretenir la Flamme (format PDF / WORD)
12.L_Ermite (format PDF / WORD / EPUB / PAGES HTML ZIP)
13.La Treizieme Chandelle (format PDF / WORD)
14.Les Lumieres de L_astral (format PDF / WORD)
15.Crepuscule (format PDF / WORD)
16.C_etait Ainsi (format PDF / WORD)
17.Je Crois (format PDF / WORD)
18.Les 3 Vies (format PDF / WORD)
19.Le Sage du Tibet (format PDF / WORD)

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